Saturday, November 30, 2019
The revival of Jazz in South Africa Essay Example For Students
The revival of Jazz in South Africa Essay Jazz is once again back on its feet in South Africa. After many years of cultural oppression due to Apartheid, jazz is slowly but surely finding its way back to popularity in South Africa. However, the road to reconstruction is apparently not a smooth one, as many jazz musicians and the entire jazz community are still running into problems in South Africa. Despite this, the progress that has already been made is incredible and the future of jazz in this region has reached a new level of optimism. In the 1920s there was an organist from the Eastern Cape called Boet Gashe who made his money, much like the early jazz musicians in America, by playing at wild parties in Johannesburgs black ghettoes where the mothers charged three-pence at the door and sold moonshine to keep their families alive.(BEBEY-23)Todd Matshikiza, legendary composer and music critic f described these events: The hostess hunched next to a four-gallon tin of beer in the corner. She sold jam tins at sixpence a gulp. Gashe was bent over his organ in one OCONNOR-2corner, thumping the rhythm from the pedal with his feet, which were also feeding the organ with air, choking the organ with persistent chords in the right hand and improvising an effective melody with the left. He would call for the aid of a matchstick to hold down a harmonic note. You get a delirious effect of perpetual motion perpetual motion in a musty hole where men made friends without restraint. (BEBEY-64)This was marabi music, a foundation elem ent of South African jazz and an indigenous product of the urban ghettoes that were a feature of South African cities for much of this century.(KEBEDE-40) Its distinctive rhythms, designed to bring some consolation and dignity to otherwise drab and oppressive working class districts, can still be heard in the music of jazz men and women who have today become giants in their field: Hugh Masekela, Abhudulla Ibrahim, Miriam Makeba and many others.(KEBEDE-47) Many of these famous jazz artists have recentlyreturned from decades of exile. The repressive regulations that drove them away in the apartheid era have been abolished and broadcasting and recording opportunities areopen to all.(GOFFIN-187) But for South African jazz musicians, all this has been a mixed blessing: the musical OCONNOR-3free market is a harsh place for an industry still recovering from the damage inflicted by apartheid.(GOFFIN-188) The story of South African jazz is the story of the nation. The road to reconstruction is a rocky one. We will write a custom essay on The revival of Jazz in South Africa specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now South Africa is one of the few countries outside the USA where jazz has been a genuinely popular music. Its roots are in the marabi styles that adapted rural rhythms to urban conditions in the first half of the twentieth century.(NEKETIA-94)According to veteran bandleader Ntemi Piliso: Marabi was sung by a solo voice over an instrumental accompaniment maybe an organ, an accordion, later on a guitar. Then some fellow might fill a condensed milk tin with stones for a rattle, maybe improvise a drum kit and the music would go on all night. Marabi uses a three-chord, two- or four-bar sequence. I suppose you could say the progression was limited, even monotonous. But its the monotony that holds the listeners. You vary the theme and improvise around it, rather than changing the chord sequence.(GOFFIN-112) Legendary bandleader Zuluboy Cele introduced modern instrumentation to the style.(GERARD-59) Later players, like popular bandleader Zakes Nkosi, blended in idioms from American jazz, espec ially the swing music of the big-band OCONNOR-4era. Later still, the improvisational adventures of bebop were also drawn in.(GERARD-61) But the chord progressions and improvisational style of marabi, together with excursions into the hexatonic mode of African choral singing continued to flavor the fusion and can still be heard in South African jazz today.(KEBEDE-133) From its birth, it was dangerous music. It was performed at unregulated gatherings and drinking spots, rather than in the government-licensed and rigidly-controlled beer halls. Its practitioners were often classified as vagrants, under constant threat of expulsion from the cities.(NEKETIA-82) But in the 1960s and 1970s the recording companies and state broadcasting corporation brought pressure on artists to record short pop tracks, with musical styles and lyrics conforming to SABC standards of tribal purity. The musicians dubbed it mbaqanga, a derogatory term meaning something like instant porridge now used broadly for popular dance and jazz music.(BEBEY-97) Yet jazz solos managed to sneak their way in. The lyrics from this time have been described as the best poetry coming out of South Africa Transom they plunged OCONNOR-5into any aspect of our life; they spoke of bus boycotts, of abandoned love affairs; they spoke of the hideous pass system, of our exile in sanctuaries outside South AfricaThey were even bold enough to speak of revolution and be banned.(KEBEDE-117) Performers were often paid only a few pounds which gave the recording company full rights to their music in perpetuity. And, says jazz trumpeter Dennis Mpale, Many venues were closed to us (if we were) a racially mixed band, and there was often a scramble to get a show finished before midnight, because without a night pass black musicians could be arrested for being in the city after that time.(GOFFIN-147) Township events and venues dwindled. Many jazz artists responded to these pressures by leaving the country. Hugh Masekela, Jonas G wangwa and Miriam Makeba were able to leave when the jazz musical King Kong took them overseas. These artists went on to make a name for themselves and for South Africa jazz overseas: Masekela in New York and Makeba in West Africa.(GOFFIN-189) By the late 1970s and early 1980s, a new generation of performers was emerging, mellowing the established South African jazz style and pervasive African traditional OCONNOR-6influences with the kind of jazz-rock fusion being played overseas by bands like Weather Report and Earth, Wind and Fire.(GERARD-73) The one remembered most nostalgically is Sakhile, whose members have now gone their separate ways, but whose compositions such as Isililo/Soweto Blues have an almost anthemic quality for the generation of 1976.(GERARD-74) An important strand was added to the music mix in the Western Cape: the modulations of the South Asian music inherited by the Islamic Malay community.(BEBEY-151) As a seaport, Cape Town was also open to broader musical influ ences, including Latin sounds and the rhythms of the rest of Africa. Bands like Oswietie and Pacific Express featuring hornmen such as Ngozi; the Ngcukana brothers, Basil Mannenberg Coetzee and Robbie Jansen drew from these eclectic roots to create a style instantly recognizable as Capejazz.(BEBEY-153) There have been success stories in the 90s.Recognition at home as well as abroad is at last coming to Masekela, Gwangwa, Ibrahim and their generation. Younger bands such as Bayete, which started its life on the jazz scene in the 1980s, are gaining growing status on the World Music circuits.(GOFFIN-166) Jazz is forming a recognized part of OCONNOR-7music education curriculem, although township schools are only slowly getting the resources they need to efficiently teach jazz. Performance spaces remain concentrated in the city centers. However, due the violence of the late 1980s and early 1990s many city-dwelling patrons still find fear of crime a disincentive to club-going. While jazz-l overs in the townships lack the safe transportation and the money needed for regular, evening trips to town.(GERARD-121) All this makes for hard times for jazz club-owners and musicians. And it means there is no neighborhood scene where young jazz players can pay their dues and develop their style before moving on to bigger venues. .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .postImageUrl , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:hover , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:visited , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:active { border:0!important; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:active , .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7eda09e9810e1cf93ee842b202b0f3aa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Brians Search For The Meaning Of Life In W.o. Mitc EssayThe free market has also allowed a tidal wave of imported music to engulf local sounds on radio waves and record store shelves. Not that this stops the players. The new generation, like their predecessors, are creating potent mixes of South African heritage and world jazz trends.(GERARD-127) Reedman Zim Ngqawana draws on folk roots, from the migrant mineworkers harmonica to Asian flute sounds. Pianist Moses Molelekwa plays wistful marabi piano, but also works with DJs for excursions into drum n bass.(GERARD-129) Producers/players Sean Fourie and Vee OCONNOR-8Ferlito are busy drawing on the talents of some veteran jazz men to create highly danceable acid jazz mixes for the club scene.(GERARD-130) Yet South African commercial companies seem more drawn to the rediscovery of the old. Bands resurrecting marabi styles, like the African Jazz Pioneers and the Elite Swingsters, are enthusiastically promoted; talented young players of the penny-whistle, are discovered and recorded.(GERARD-138) Nltemi Piliso, leader of the African Jazz Pioneers, says,Its wonderful that white audiences here are discovering our music. Its gratifying to get recognition for it at last. But for most black people, its just nostalgia. And jazz cant survive by riding on nostalgia; the music has to keep on growing.(GERARD-139) BibliographyBebey , Francis. African Music : A Peoples Art. Simon ; Schuster Publishing. New York , 1991. Gerard , Charley. Jazz In Black and White. Praeger Publishers, Wesport, C.T 1998Goffin , Robert. Jazz : From the Congo to the Metropolitan. DA Capo Press, New York.,1975. Kebede , Ashenafi. Roots of Black Music. Little, Brown ; Company, New York, 1988. Neketia , J.H. Kwabena. The Music of Africa. W.W. Norton Company, New York. 1974.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Changes In The Victorian Age essays
Changes In The Victorian Age essays The changes in the Victorian Age, approximately 69 years long, contributed more to the advancement of the world than the other two thousand years of its existence. It was a time of expansion, reform, and technological advancement. Thus mark twain was essentially correct in saying that British history is two thousand years old, and yet in a good many ways the world has moved farther ahead since the queen was born than it moved in the rest of the two thousand years put together. A moderate Whig, Lord Palmerston, had between 1830 and 1840, helped to expand the British empire. He served as their foreign minister and with the annexation of new Zealand and the beginning of a war with China, it seemed as though Palmerstons clever diplomacy showed promise for the British. This idea was affirmed with eventual acquisition of Hong Kong in 1842. British kept expanding. During much of the 1830s many new reforms were passed under Lord Melbourne of the Whig party. Slavery was abolished in the British Empire and the first child labor restrictions were passed. In 1832, the Reform bill was passed, expanding voter rights to men with property. When Sir Peel of the Tories came into power, He abolished the corn laws allowing some ease to famine victims. The Mid-Victorian period proved to be a time of prosperity in the field of technology. The McCormick reaper prevented agricultural decline while the Bessemer process helped simplify the steel making process, benefiting the industry and increasing textile imports. Transportation of people and goods was made easier by steamships and railways, also decreasing their costs. Antiseptic surgery was introduced by Joseph Lister and Florence Nightingale introduced the first modern nursing school. Many of the changes that took place in Britain during those nearly seven decades greatly affected the rest of the world. New things were introduced into the world, revoluti...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Blog Writing on Bani Bani Bani Re Bani
Blog writing on â€Å"Bani Bani Bani Re Bani†from â€Å"Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon†.  Bani Bani song is taken from Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon. This song is a dance performance by Kareena Kapoor. Chitra, the singer of Bani Bani voice was high-pitched as ever. Her dandiyal or tribal tune happens as courtesy of her effervescence. Bani Bani is the most passionate song of the year. Music of main prem ki Diwani hoon is beautiful song and new feel in the particular song. Anu Malik proves as genius musician for the movie ("Bani Bani - Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon _ HD"). Kareena Kapoor is delight to watch in this song. She is wearing red legenga dress in the song and dances in every beat of the song. Kareena Kapoor was remarkable throughout the film. Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon is worth successor of one of the Sooraj R Barjatya previous hits. Bani Bani is one good picturised song. This is a peppy Bollywood Song that is sung by Chitra released in the year 2003. It is from Rajshri Productions starring Kareena Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan. This song was beautifully choreo graphed and Kareena Kapoor provides justice in following the steps in nice way. As far as review is concerned, it has diverse opinion from viewers who have watched the movie. Some feels Sooraj; the Director had successfully won heart of audience the fourth time. Some felt that the movie was worst movie in Bollywood. According to few viewers, the song could have been made better with much better steps. I feel that Kareena Kapoor has the potential in giving more edge to the dancing steps of Bani Bani. She has done justice in following the steps of the choreographer and putting her best to entertain her fans and audience. I felt this was one of the best songs from Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon. This dance was performed by Sanjana (Kareena Kapoor) at one of her college fest. She was happy and refrained in the song with bit of sadness as Prem (Hrithik) was not present in the show for watching it. As Kareena was in love with Prem, she was imagining him in each of the steps and b ing happy by his presence. However, in actual, Prem (Abhishek Bachchan) was watching Sanjana dance and enjoying her beautiful presence on stage. Abhishek Bachchan visualizes his life with Sanjana and gets mesmerized by her dancing skills and expression. He was constantly staring at Kareena’s performance without blinking his eyes for a second. Sanjana’s dad was frustrated of the fact that her daughter was imagining Hrithik as her life partner, which is not the real motive of her mother. On the other hand, her mother was happy, as Sanjana will get married to rich businessperson like her elder sister. There was great confus ion in the movie that was revealed at the end with a â€Å"happy ending†. This song was set with vibrant colours and ravishing background. It gave the feel of â€Å"that†bollywood magical- romantic song which every happy go lucky girl would love to hum and dance.  "Bani Bani - Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon _ HD". YouTube. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 June 2016.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Thomas Paine on Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Thomas Paine on Religion - Essay Example His ideas about religion and its impact on social institutions and citizens, Thomas Paine expressed in the book The Age of Reason. The core of his teaching is deism and personal religion: â€Å"My own mind is my own church†(Paine 13). Thomas was born in Thetford on January 29, 1737. His parents lived in the small house on White Hart Street. A photograph of this cottage exists, but the building was torn down in the 1880's. In its place there stands a pretty garden and a fountain. The house had four or five rooms, one of which on the street level was used by Joseph as a shop. His father, Joseph Paine was a commonplace person (Kaye 72). He is described as placid and pious, industrious and poor (Kaye 74). In religious belief and practice he was a Quaker. He lived ten years in France, from 1792 to 1802, took part in the French Revolution and met thousands of Frenchmen, yet he never learned enough French to make a speech in that language, or to say anything at all except the few sentences that were needed in ordering food and commenting on the weather (Great Theosophists: Thomas Paine n.d.). In 1750, he was taken from school to be taught the trade of staymaking. It was a handicraft that required a fairly long apprenticeship. One had to learn the qualities of various fabrics, such as silk, linen and calico. Cutting the cloth was an operation that called for skill, for each pair of stays was an individual product. Tape measurements of the customer were made in the first place, and a pattern was laid out (Kaye 23). After nearly five years in his father's shop Tom Paine ran away. In 1756, he went away again and joined the privateer King of Prussia, commanded by a Captain Mendez. Paine would never say anything about it, but his attitude in respect to this particular exploit is not at all remarkable. He was as reticent about it as about everything that concerned his personal life. On March 26, 1771, he married Elizabeth Ollive. He was then thirty-four and she was ten years younger (Kaye 24). During 1770s, Paine played an active role in the political life of England: he joined officers in Parliament and published his first political article The Case of the Officers of Excise. In 1774, Paine came to America and devoted himself to the revolutionary cause. The most important fact is that Paine was the first author who wrote for the whole American public. During the first six months after its publication about one hundred thousand copies of Common Sense were sold (Larkin 29). His religious ideas and vision of an ideal society Paine expressed in the Agee of Reason. This work consists of three parts appeared in 1794, 1795 and 1807. The first part of the book was written when he was in good health, and without the aid of a Bible; it was meant to shock men into thinking, but compared to the second part it is a model of restraint. It was dedicated to "my Fellow Citizens of the United States," though he was evidently dubious of their enthusiasm for it" (Paine 45). Paine never overlooks an opportunity to humble aristocratic arrogance. He called men to practice the moral virtues, and the belief of one God Larkin 29). Excepting the violent Fundamentalists, no religious person would today be inflamed by reading it. It is ludicrous to suppose that a man of Paine's intense temperament would indulge in flippancy on the brink of eternity (Great Theosophists: Thomas Paine n.d.). The ink had barely dried on his work when the long-expected happened;
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ITunes price changes hurt some rankings Assignment
ITunes price changes hurt some rankings - Assignment Example The article points out that two days after Apple iTunes Music store raised its prices on some individuals tracks, the sales dipped and with that the rankings of the songs. The iTunes top 100 chart registered 40 songs at $1.29 and 60 songs at the normal $0.99 price point. After the price change, the $1.29 songs lost 5.3 places on the chart while the $0.99 songs gained an average 2.5 chart positions. These changes give a general idea of how incremental changes in revenue can be reached. Moving up and down the chart impacts the revenue greatly which in turn is impacted by price changes. These changes are solely chart position, but a general idea of incremental changes in revenue can be reached. By looking at the unit sales of the most recent Soundscan top track downloads chart, the different between chart positions can offer a view into how moving up and down the chart impacts revenue. An assumption here is that the iTunes Top 100 chart is representative of the Soundscan top track downl oads chart. Given its market dominance, this is a reasonable assumption. I chose this article because it gives a good idea of how small changes in price can turn around Sales. A significant notion raised by this article is the way in which how prices alter the rankings of songs in the music industry. The prices change the rankings and the rankings which in turn impact sales and revenue. This article relates to chapter nine of our text book in which key issues related to initiating and responding to price changes are discussed. Buyer reaction to price changes are a result of the value the customers see in the price change. (Glenn Peoples) Works Cited Glenn Peoples, Nashville. How iTunes Price Changes Hurt Some Rankings. 10 April 2009. 19 May 2011 . Article: 7 in 10 Americans say High gas prices hurt This article is related to a recent chapter that we covered from our text book. Customers don’t react to price changes in a very straight forward way. A price increase is expected to lower sales. This is because a brand’s price and its image are closely tied together. Price changes will alter consumer perception about a particular product and the way they want to consume it. Thus price is a very critical factor. I chose this article because it offers insight into how price changes in a mandatory commodity such as gas influences the common man. The survey was conducted by USA today in which they asked people if recent changes in prices of gasoline have impacted them financially. 7 in 10 Americans believed it did. More than half of them claimed that they have had to make changes to account for higher prices of gasoline. 21% of them felt the impact so heavily that they believed it jeopardized their standard of living. (Stauss) Stauss, Gary. 7 in 10 Americans say high gas prices hurt . 18 May 2011. 19 May 2011 . Article: Apple and Starbucks announce music partnership The article talks of the Apple and Starbucks music partnership. Under this partnership, cu stomers at Starbucks will be able to wirelessly browse, look around for music, buy and download music from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store at Starbucks on their iPod touch, iphone, Mac or PCs running iTunes in a participating location. They will also be available to avail the new â€Å"Now Playing†service under which the name of the song playing in the Starbucks store at that particular moment will be shown. They will then be able to buy and download songs directly to their device. The partnership will benefit both Apple and Starbucks and is a classic example of horizontal marketing. I selected this article because I felt that having free access to the iTunes Wi-Fi Music store and the Now Playing service of Starbucks is a great ways to attract customers to both Starbucks and Apple iTunes. It will trigger greater revenues for both companies. This
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Strange Case of Mr Hyde and Dr Jekyll Essay Example for Free
The Strange Case of Mr Hyde and Dr Jekyll Essay I the conflicting seed of everymans agonising conscience stirs deep in the inveterate, dark, depths of the inner soul. Time spent in patience, waiting in earnest for favourable conditions to germinate, a yearning to be nurtured; to be fed, fed the pleasures that would supply my imperious craving; to permit the outstretching and entanglement of my darkened roots into the depths of the nourishing elixir of life itself. Thus countless times I fought my perennial war, with my so-called double-dealer. On occasions my very existence hung in the balance. My utmost pleasures were denied me; I was kept concealed, hidden as if I were an open, infected, contagious wound, suppressed by the heavy weight of honour and dignity. His goodness, his knowing righteousness strangles my growth like bind weed to a new sapling, If it were not for my hosts rather growing intrigue and exacting aspirations of mans divided and compounded dual nature of good and ill, coupled with his morbid sense of shame and guilt. I would have long past this hour. But much to my joyous wickedness, he dwelt with pleasure, on the notion, that life could be relieved of all that was unbearable; a departure of our intertwined, conflicting qualities; hence to permit him to walk unfalteringly and firmly on his upward path, enabling him to derive pleasure in its most purest form, no longer, exposed to dishonour and penitence, delivered from my extraneous evil. On this darkened mystical hour, shadows beckoned me to watch the ultimate demise of the labours of my double-dealer. Elements were weighed to precise accuracy, and then compounded. I watched behind the veil of darkness, watched hungrier than I had ever been before, watched as these elements bubbled and smoulder mutually in the glass vessel. Attractive temptation hung in the air, teasing, tantalising and encouraging the flows of my frenzied juices to run wild, bittersweet poisons tripped through the chemically charged room. I gleefully waited for my host to feed the very essence of my soul, my unripe, immature soul; I am yet still but an infant as if unblemished by the first utterances of lies. The poison slipped smoothly through his lips. My villainous senses had long since been awoken, awoken by the pungent smells that fill the laboratory. I craved for this elixir, this elixir that will open the doorway to my freedom. This power is like nothing I have felt in hand, it surges right to my core. Rapidly I exceed in height and statue, filling his inadequate skin. He clutches at me now, ripping, tearing and scratching at my very flesh, his intense moaning and crying fills the darkness. No more so does he deserve that tormentor, than I deserved the suppression I have felt over this exceeding and exasperating time, henceforth justice be done. I inhale deep and strong, sucking and drawing my opposition into myself. With every lungful of air my escalating evil powers engulf all that is righteous; as I exhale his morality flips into immorality. The first wholesome breaths of my new life were one of wicked exhilaration. I felt the power of control, no longer was I pushed to the subterranean of this being, held fast by principles and ethics. Freedom was mine to be had. I would blithely rejoice and celebrate this happening. I proceeded to banquet in malevolent, malign thoughts, feast on the pureness of evil and drink from the chalice of cruelty. Glowing as I was with eagerness and triumph at my newly born body, freedom tastes fresh and tantalising. I aspired to observe my fully formed transformation. Some innate sense compelled me to venture crossed the yard. With slight agitation I slipped silently through these foreign corridors, an outsider in the midst of a home that felt partially mine; and coming to a room, I witnessed my reflection; a sight that thrilled and elated me, evil placed its mark upon my countenance, deformity and decay strongly exuded itself from my entirety, my hideous, repulsive image leapt at me with a warm welcome. My eyes danced, played and frolicked with the devil himself. For now time escaped my clutches, the wakening of day was near; the once blackened sky grew lighter with every passing moment. I hurriedly fled this dreamt of house, took flight before daylight reached out and took hold of me to shake and judder my very supremacy. I took shelter in the laboratory, mulling over the deprived pleasures with which I wish to make haste to seek, the ultimate goal, self-satisfaction. This time, I myself am the victim of the writhing, cramping pangs that succeed the drinking of the poison; a noose grips my fervent wickedness, Im engulfed by a pureness, a loving wholesome conscience, it quashes and suffocates my once supreme sinfulness. Gradually I decline in spirit, the hour of my death felt nigh. With wrath of new, I struggled to escape captivation, restraint no longer was my collaborator, His statue grows stronger as mine fades; he overwhelms me with his kindness. Yet my strength is not subdued to the former, I have grown, my power increased, eventually he will submit to the pleasures I offer him, temptation can surpass his profound reasoning, enticing him to the slavery of the joys that I bring.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Interview Essay - John Tymkiw -- Interview Essays
Interview Essay - John Tymkiw John Tymkiw was born in the Ukraine on June 10, 1913. WWI broke out a year after he was born, and he lived through the Depression while Hitler and Stalin were fighting. When the Ukraine was signed over to Russian rule, many left, but John stayed and ran a cooperative association supply company. He came to America in 1951, through a sponsor in Chicago and then traveled to California in 1957. He was married in 1962, and had no children of his own, but had two-step children. He continued his life working in machinery and carpentry. He now lives alone in his condo in Laguna Woods, surrounded by his artwork and accomplishments. John defines happiness as a feeling that does not have anything to do with possession. "It is all mental and spiritual," he says. When John was younger, he believed that the more he had, the happier he was, but now he understands that the material things have nothing to do with happiness. John knows he is happy because he has freedom. He is satisfied with the fact that he is free of pressure, worries, and stress. He feels that there is really nothing for him to turn to when he is unhappy, so he learns to deal with whatever may be bothering him. The only things that upset him are the outside forces that he has no control over. Before John started to lose his vision in January, he used to be a very active person. He kept busy as an artist. He painted porcelain sculptures and stained glass, and made stone pictures. He also loved to dance. When asked what makes him unhappy, he replied that the declining morality around the globe bothered him. He feels that there is a lack of justice. He doesn't understand how people can take advantage of other people. He feels that there is t... ...It was extremely difficult for him to find work. The social changes that John has seen which have affected his happiness include the decline in morality. He feels as if he has no way of fighting these changes in our society, so he has had to adapt himself quietly and take everything as it comes. John is pleased with himself, and feels that there is nothing that can be changed. He is old enough to distinguish between good and bad, and he is a strong believer in his religion. He says that for fifty years, he did not feel as if he belongs in America, and now he still isn't sure, but he is happy. The advice that John gives for being happy is not to think that the material things will make you happy, and to manage your life according to God's laws. That is the sure way to finding happiness. His philosophy on life is that following God will lead you to happiness. Interview Essay - John Tymkiw -- Interview Essays Interview Essay - John Tymkiw John Tymkiw was born in the Ukraine on June 10, 1913. WWI broke out a year after he was born, and he lived through the Depression while Hitler and Stalin were fighting. When the Ukraine was signed over to Russian rule, many left, but John stayed and ran a cooperative association supply company. He came to America in 1951, through a sponsor in Chicago and then traveled to California in 1957. He was married in 1962, and had no children of his own, but had two-step children. He continued his life working in machinery and carpentry. He now lives alone in his condo in Laguna Woods, surrounded by his artwork and accomplishments. John defines happiness as a feeling that does not have anything to do with possession. "It is all mental and spiritual," he says. When John was younger, he believed that the more he had, the happier he was, but now he understands that the material things have nothing to do with happiness. John knows he is happy because he has freedom. He is satisfied with the fact that he is free of pressure, worries, and stress. He feels that there is really nothing for him to turn to when he is unhappy, so he learns to deal with whatever may be bothering him. The only things that upset him are the outside forces that he has no control over. Before John started to lose his vision in January, he used to be a very active person. He kept busy as an artist. He painted porcelain sculptures and stained glass, and made stone pictures. He also loved to dance. When asked what makes him unhappy, he replied that the declining morality around the globe bothered him. He feels that there is a lack of justice. He doesn't understand how people can take advantage of other people. He feels that there is t... ...It was extremely difficult for him to find work. The social changes that John has seen which have affected his happiness include the decline in morality. He feels as if he has no way of fighting these changes in our society, so he has had to adapt himself quietly and take everything as it comes. John is pleased with himself, and feels that there is nothing that can be changed. He is old enough to distinguish between good and bad, and he is a strong believer in his religion. He says that for fifty years, he did not feel as if he belongs in America, and now he still isn't sure, but he is happy. The advice that John gives for being happy is not to think that the material things will make you happy, and to manage your life according to God's laws. That is the sure way to finding happiness. His philosophy on life is that following God will lead you to happiness.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Authoritarian Pmr Screed
AUTHORITARIAN PMR SCREED You will make yourself comfortable†¦ Once feeling comfortable and safe in your chosen place†¦ You will close your eyes†¦ Listen to my voice†¦ Any noises in the background are unimportant†¦ From now on, you will only hear my voice†¦ Concentrate on your breathing†¦ Breathe in†¦ Hold it for a few seconds†¦ Breathe out†¦ Notice how each breath in, is equal to the amount of time it takes to breathe out†¦ Repeat this one more time†¦ Now you are going to relax your mind and body by allowing any tension to flow from your head, to the extremities of your toes†¦ Keep concentrating†¦ You are in control†¦ You will be in control throughout this session†¦Continue with your breathing as you would normally †¦ Now relax the muscles in your scalp†¦ Think of your present position†¦ Your purpose for this exercise†¦ Your head is getting heavier and more relaxed†¦ Your subconscious mind will start to imagine the rest of your body relaxing, in order for you to achieve your set goal and reason to be here today. Let the muscles in your eyes relax†¦ Let the muscles in your ears relax†¦ Relax your nasal muscle†¦ Relax your mouth muscles†¦ Loosen your tongue†¦ Feel your palate with your tongue and relax, letting your tongue drop to the base of your mouth†¦ Keep your teeth unclenched†¦ Feel your facial muscles†¦ Relax your facial muscles†¦ continue with your breathing in†¦ and out†¦ You are now much more relaxed†¦ You are in control†¦ I will mention all the other muscles and parts of your body†¦ As you are in control†¦ And in contact with your own powerful subconscious you will feel completely relaxed as we carry on†¦ becoming aware and eager of reaching your goal†¦ bringing in satisfaction of achieving the change you want to achieve†¦ Release any tension in your neck†¦ Feel any tension flowing away from your neck†¦ You are going to relax your shoulders†¦ The top of your back†¦ Your uppe r abdomen, reaching to your lower abdomen†¦ Feel how much more relaxed you are†¦ A feeling that you have never experienced before, while continuing to breathe in and out with your breathing getting much smoother and more gentle†¦ Still concentrating on my voice†¦ Relax your hip muscles†¦ going down to the thighs and knees†¦ You are now feeling the benefits to you and on the way to achieving your goal†¦ Feel yourself getting much more relaxed s any tension continues to flow down your calves reaching the extremities of your toes†¦ Now you are feeling totally relaxed in mind and body†¦ Totally relaxed and ready to achieve the change that you want to achieve. Go through the suggestions from here: You will listen to my voice taking you through the changes you want to make†¦ As you are completely relaxed†¦ you will respond to my suggestion†¦ From now, you will stop smoking†¦ This is your wish and desire on which you will act on from now†¦ No one is able to make the change except yourself†¦ Think of the positives gained by yourself in total command†¦ your response is yours only†¦ You are the only benefactor†¦ Think of the harm cigarettes cause†¦ think of lungs being completely black†¦ foul smell from your mouth†¦your clothes smelling †¦ continue with your breathing in and out†¦ hink of your family†¦ Think of spending money on buying cigarettes as money going down the drain†¦Don’t turn them into passive smokers†¦ your health and that of your family matters†¦You will continue with further sessions which will help you achieve the change†¦ You are now going to come back in this room feeling much more relaxed and refreshed†¦ feeling less tensed as at the start of this session†¦ Think of all the benefits while you are gradually returning back to your normal awareness†¦ You know that you will be able to achieve thi s state when you want and when it is safe to do so. I will count from 1-5 and at 5 you will open your eyes feeling relaxed and refreshed with the sense of some achievements little this maybe for now. 1. Feel the chair/ bed beneath you 2. The noises from inside this room and outside are coming back 3. You are half-way there 4. Still feeling relaxed and refreshed breathing normally 5. Open your eyes gently looking around slowly getting acquainted with your surroundings†¦you are now completely back. Welcome back.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 22. The Hunt
We were weaving in and out of traffic as James followed us. We were driving north towards Vancouver. Each second that I spent away from Bella I could feel my body's fresh tear ache. Half of me was with her, without her I could never be whole. We drove until we were only thirty miles away from Vancouver before I heard a distant ringing. It was just a faint echoing sound. It's about time, she better have good news for me about the human. About the human? It was definitely James' thoughts I heard as he continued to stay out of our vision, keen to not be spotted. â€Å"Carlisle, slow down,†I ordered while looking wildly around. Carlisle released his foot from the gas and the Jeep slowly drifted down to sixty as he looked sideways at me. â€Å"What is it?†Carlisle asked, anxious. â€Å"James has just received a phone call,†I explained. â€Å"Where did they take her?†James was wildly enthusiastic at the prospect of finding her when I was nowhere near her. I was too far away from him to hear the other end of the conversation so I settled with listening through James' mind. â€Å"I don't know. They mixed the smell up and she was not in the truck. It was two female vampires and they drove west until we were several miles away from Forks. She must still be there. They tricked us,†I heard Victoria say. Idiotic woman! James roared in his head. â€Å"Find her!†he commanded and hung up the phone. James ran the opposite direction of the road, flying feverously away from the Jeep until I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. â€Å"Stop!†I yelled. Carlisle slammed on the brakes as the Jeep slid to a halt on the side of the highway. â€Å"What is it?†Emmett and Carlisle asked at the same time. â€Å"He knows that Bella isn't in the truck. He has a cell phone. He's sent Victoria back to Forks because he believes she is still there.†I didn't expect the nomad to have something as technologically advanced as a cell phone considering how they live. But I remembered something that Laurent had said, â€Å"He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Emmett and Carlisle both understood instantly that Victoria had realized Bella was not in the truck. â€Å"I'll call Esme,†Carlisle said while picking up his cell phone and dialing her number quickly. I heard Esme's voice on the other line. â€Å"Carlisle,†she began but he cut her off to explain what happened. â€Å"She knows that Bella isn't with you and suspects that she is still in Forks. Go back and watch Charlie, make sure he's safe. Send Rosalie to find Victoria and follow her. We need to make sure that she isn't able to track Bella. We'll chase after James,†Carlisle's lips were blurred at the fast motion of his speech. â€Å"I'll tell her. Carlisle, I love you, be careful,†Esme said affectionately. â€Å"I love you, too and I will.†Carlisle hung up the phone. Let me go after him, please Edward. Emmett was begging in his mind. I turned around to face him. â€Å"We'll both go.†I turned to Carlisle. â€Å"Continue north until you reach the airport. Keep an eye out for him there ?C if we lose track of him I want to make sure we know where he is headed. We will keep you up to date.†He nodded. Emmett and I dashed from the Jeep and headed towards the forest where I last heard James' thoughts. When we caught up with his scent I could hear his faint hasty footsteps but he was too far away for me to hear his mind. The sun was peeking through the canopy of trees as the night sky began to slowly lighten the forest floor, bathing it in a pleasant golden glow. Can you hear his thoughts? What are his plans? Emmett asked. â€Å"No. He is too far away from us.†I spoke quickly. Go ahead of me and see what you can find out. Hey ?C don't get too close without me, Emmett chuckled. I want a piece of him too. I rolled my eyes and darted faster than ever towards the one creature who threatened Bella's life more than I already had. I had trouble catching up to him but I was able to finally hear one thought. She's still in Forks. I slowed some to let Emmett catch up with me. â€Å"I think he's going to head back to Forks†¦but I don't understand – he isn't running that direction. He keeps running north and not in a straight path. I think he's trying to get us off his trail.†I explained to Emmett. Maybe we could split up and try to trap him, he suggested. â€Å"That might be what he wants. Let's just keep together for now.†You're just afraid I'll catch up to him before you and will miss the opportunity to kill him, Emmett was plainly trying not to laugh. I sighed loudly at his thoughts, though he was partially correct ?C I did want to personally rip him to shreds. I could see the dim city lights of Vancouver begin to get closer to us. As the sun rose the windows on the large buildings began to shimmer and reflect onto the large city. I hadn't heard any thoughts or any noise from James for several miles. I only continued to follow his scent. When we reached the forest edge we stood in the shadows looking out at the partially sunny grounds. Emmett's eyes glowed a honey color in the dazzling sunlight. It's too sunny. Emmett looked up like he was willing the clouds to form. As soon as he thought the words a long cloud loomed into view, moving closer to the sun until a shadow hung over us and the city below turned grey and dark. â€Å"Let's go,†I commanded with a bite of impatience in my voice. We continued to follow his scent as we made our way across town until it ended abruptly at a car rental store. â€Å"Crap,†we both said together. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Carlisle's number. â€Å"Edward,†he answered. â€Å"Carlisle, James has rented a car and I need to get something out of my bag to try and find out where he went. We are at sixteen ninety-six west, first Avenue. Hurry!†I said quickly. â€Å"I'm on my way,†he hung up the phone. In a few short minutes Carlisle was speeding around the corner and came to a shuddering halt in front of us. I opened the back door and pulled my bag out, opening it to reveal my many ID's. Inside I had a Royal Canadian Mounted Police badge that our family previously used to protect ourselves. I snatched it up and swept over the threshold of the car rental store. The girl behind the desk was startled at my appearance. â€Å"Can I help you?†she stuttered while scrutinizing my face. I flashed my badge. â€Å"Yes. I'm with the RCMP. Ma'am, there was a man in here today that is ye tall,†I put my hand to James' height, â€Å"and has long light brown hair. He would have rented a car from you today. I need to know the make and model and where he was headed. He is a murderer and we have only recently caught on to his trail.†A murderer! â€Å"Yes, sure†¦there was only one man in here this morning to rent a car. Let me print out the information.†She began typing on the keyboard and clicking her mouse. I could have been killed, she thought frantically as she searched for the information I requested. Her mind began to panic as she read the information on the screen. She looked away before I was able to read it. She turned her face to mine, her eyes wide with terror. â€Å"Um†¦Ã¢â‚¬ she hesitated nervously. â€Å"The car has already been returned to another branch.†â€Å"Where?†I asked with an inarticulate yell of rage. â€Å"The airport,†she said in a high pitched whisper. Panic erupted through my stomach as I realized I had no idea where he was going. My only conclusion is that he was going back to Forks, but I wasn't positive. I clenched my fists and ran out towards the Jeep and without saying a word Carlisle he was speeding quickly south towards Washington. â€Å"We need to know if he shows up in Forks,†I said hastily. Carlisle was dialing Esme's number before I was able to speak anymore. I heard Esme answer the phone. â€Å"Hello.†â€Å"Esme, what has Victoria been doing?†Carlisle asked politely yet hurriedly. â€Å"Rosalie followed her to Charlie's house. Don't worry, he wasn't home. I am not sure what she was looking for there†¦maybe to find a lead on where Bella might be. Rosalie said that she has been following Bella's scent all through town and even stopped by the school before anyone was there.†Esme spoke quickly. â€Å"James' got away from us. We think that he got on a plane to go back to Forks. Please be careful. We'll be there shortly.†Carlisle said gravely. I heard Esme gasp over the phone. â€Å"Victoria also went to the airport,†she whispered. Carlisle pressed the accelerator down harder and the Jeep groaned as we were hitting one forty. â€Å"Be careful. We're on our way back.†Panic was present in Carlisle's thoughts. Please let us get back there before he does, he thought. They said their goodbyes. As soon as Carlisle hung up the phone he was instantly dialing another number ?C Alice. â€Å"Carlisle,†Alice trilled. â€Å"Are you in Phoenix and is Bella safe?†asked Carlisle. â€Å"Yes,†replied Alice. â€Å"We lost track of James. We believe he is headed towards Forks. Victoria has been searching for leads and clues hoping to find a way to Bella.†Carlisle spoke calmly. â€Å"I just saw him in a room. It's long, and there are mirrors everywhere. The floor is wooden. There is a gold stripe across the mirrors. It's still very cloudy ?C he hasn't made a decision yet. He'll be in this room today or maybe tomorrow. I've also seen him watching something from a VCR in another place but it is too dark to see. He brings the video he watched back to the room with the mirrors but he doesn't watch it like he does in the dark room. The room with the mirrors is the room where he waits. Whatever made him get on that plane†¦it was leading him to those rooms,†Alice explained to Carlisle. â€Å"Let me speak to Bella,†I held my hand out for the phone. â€Å"Is Bella awake? Edward would like to speak to her,†Carlisle asked. â€Å"Yes,†Alice said while Carlisle handed the phone to me. â€Å"Hello?†My heart rejoiced at hearing her voice. â€Å"Bella,†I said devotedly. â€Å"Oh, Edward! I was so worried,†she squeaked. Why was she worried about me? She should be worried about herself. â€Å"Bella,†I sighed in frustration. â€Å"I told you not to worry about anything but yourself.†â€Å"Where are you?†She demanded. â€Å"We're outside of Vancouver. Bella, I'm sorry ?C we lost him. He seems suspicious of us ?C he's careful to stay just far enough away that I can't hear what he's thinking. But he's gone now ?C it looks like he got on a plane. We think he's heading back to Forks to start over.†I felt like a fool for falling for his car rental trick. â€Å"I know. Alice saw that he got away.†â€Å"You don't have to worry, though. He won't find anything to lead him to you. You just have to stay there and wait till we find him again,†my voice hinted at my disapproval for her doing anything else. â€Å"I'll be fine. Is Esme with Charlie?†she asked, concerned. She was always so selfless, worried about everyone else but herself. I tried to calm her frenzied nerves. â€Å"Yes ?C the female has been in town. She went to the house, but while Charlie was at work. She hasn't gone near him so don't be afraid. He's safe with Esme and Rosalie watching.†â€Å"What is she doing?†she whispered. â€Å"Probably trying to pick up the trail. She's been all through the town during the night. Rosalie traced her through the airport, all the roads around town, the school†¦she's digging, Bella, but there's nothing to find.†I hope, I added internally. â€Å"And you're sure Charlie's safe?†I suppressed a sigh to her ever selflessness. â€Å"Yes, Esme won't let him out of her sight. And we'll be there soon. If the tracker gets anywhere near Forks, we'll have him.†And I pictured tearing him to shreds and burning him, hoping that this beating would come sooner than later so I could have Bella in my arms again. â€Å"I miss you,†she barely whispered. My heart ached every second we were apart from each other. My body still felt torn in two. â€Å"I know, Bella. Believe me, I know. It's like you've taken half my self away with you.†â€Å"Come and get it, then,†she coaxed me. It was very tempting, but I had to take care of James first. â€Å"Soon, as soon as I possibly can. I will make you safe first.†I said fiercely. â€Å"I love you,†she croaked. I had continually put her life in danger since the moment I met her and she still loved me. Despite the situation we were currently in my heart leapt at her words. â€Å"Could you believe that, despite everything I've put you through, I love you, too?†â€Å"Yes, I can, actually,†she said matter-of-factly. â€Å"I'll come for you soon,†I promised. â€Å"I'll be waiting.†I hung the phone up. The day slipped away and extinguished its self as we drove quickly through the dark and winding road towards Forks. My mind was constantly thinking of the many ways I would torture and kill James. Emmett's line of thought was not far from my own, but he really just wanted a fight. He did want to protect Bella, but he was getting enjoyment out of this and I was not. When we finally arrived back in Washington we were greeted by Rosalie, who was still screaming nasty retorts in her mind at me. â€Å"I've followed Victoria everywhere but she hasn't returned to the airport and James has still not shown up. I've waited at the airport since Esme called me.†Rosalie spoke to Carlisle only. â€Å"Where is Victoria now?†asked Carlisle. â€Å"She has disappeared. I have no idea where she went. The rain has washed any lingering scent and between Esme and me we couldn't keep an eye on her, Charlie and the airport,†Rosalie explained. Carlisle placed a hand on her shoulder. â€Å"It's okay, you did an excellent job.†We continued to search throughout the day for Victoria and James but neither of them were around. We couldn't find any traces of their scent anymore. Rosalie kept guard at the airport. As each hour passed with no luck of finding either of them I felt a weight in my chest drop sickeningly down into my stomach. I felt like there was something wrong, like I was missing something crucial. Night came and we still had absolutely no luck in finding the two. It was about two in the morning when all of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to read Alice's name on the caller ID. I felt my heart sink. When I opened it to answer Alice spoke so swiftly I didn't even have the chance to speak. â€Å"Edward, James is in Phoenix. I saw it in a vision; you need to get here now! He has been to her mother's house and at her old ballet studio.†Alice was uneasy. Carlisle and Emmett were with me and they both nodded their heads to me. We'll go with you, they both thought together, Emmett more eager than Carlisle. â€Å"We'll take the first flight out of Seattle. It leaves at five thirty, and then Carlisle, Emmett and myself are going to take Bella somewhere and hide her. We'll meet you at the airport,†I rushed through my words while running towards the Jeep to get our bags and then towards Seattle with Emmett and Carlisle behind me. I hung up the phone and in a short time we were outside of Seattle. The lights from the town became brighter the closer we raced towards the airport. Are you okay? Carlisle thought as we were running. â€Å"Not really,†I whispered. Don't worry, son. We'll get there and take her away some place safe. Carlisle reassured me. We arrived outside the airport and queued in line. Each second passed slowly as people weighed their bags and showed their ID's. Carlisle finally reached the desk. â€Å"Hello, we need three tickets to Phoenix, please,†he said politely to the man behind the counter. â€Å"We only have first class left,†the man informed us. â€Å"That's fine. Three first class tickets then,†Carlisle smiled to the man behind the counter and his heart raced along with his mind. There is something weird about these guys, especially the big one†¦creepy, he thought. He handed the tickets over the counter once we showed proper ID. We flew through the airport until we arrived at the gate. The waiting game we played tore at my nerves. Each second that Bella was in danger made my insides feel like they were being put through a grinder. Each thought of her being hurt ripped through my heart leaving big gaping holes. When we entered the plane we sat quickly in the front. As the passengers waited in a long line for others to put their luggage away, I was having to concentrate every particle of my mind not to snap their necks, take over the plane and fly it to Phoenix myself. I could feel the pulses of those closest to me and a woman flinched away when she accidently touched my cold skin. Carlisle had placed his hand on my shoulder, guessing what I was planning in my mind. Take it easy, Edward. I'm sure she will be fine. We'll get there and take her away, Carlisle tried to calm my nerves again. When the plane finally speed down the tarmac I laid my head back trying to think of anything else besides the danger I had brought upon Bella. The plane ascended quickly into the early morning sky. I started imagining the many places we could go. Isle Esme, perhaps? Or maybe Europe. I contemplated. I began thinking about us being alone together. Bella was in immediate danger but all I could think about is how wonderful it would be to hold her every day and every night and never have to worry about bringing her back. I would let her warm me every chance she got. My fantasies spun wildly out of control, but it was the only way I could keep my mind from racing the other way, towards Bella's possible death. Carlisle was reading a book about modern medicine while Emmett put ear phones in to watch a movie. I looked to see what the movie was because Emmett was contemplating all the moves he would have been making in each fight sequence. Fight Club, of course, I suppressed laughter at his many thoughts. I dove deeper into Emmett's mind, watching him mentally kick Brad Pitt's ass. It was quite entertaining. When the movie ended I started searching through Carlisle's mind to see if he had found anything interesting to read. He was reading about a new technology to remove different kinds of brain cancer that are almost impossible to get to without damaging the patient. â€Å"We are about to land in Phoenix Arizona where the time is nine twenty-seven. Looks like we are going to be arriving on a beautiful sunny day, where the temperature is eighty eight degrees,†the stewardess announced over the intercom. The plane began descending towards Phoenix. All I could think about was running across the airport and embracing Bella. The thought of her blushing face as I brought her lips to mine in greeting sent me above the edge, I was holding myself to the seat trying not to leapt up and break through the plane. Uh, Edward†¦you're about to break the seat's arm rests. Emmett smirked in my direction. I looked down and realized that I had left large hand imprints on the seats. I folded my arms across my chest. I felt a jolt as the plane landed onto the concrete air strip. I started to feel a sign of relief when I heard Alice's thoughts. Looks like his plane just landed. I hope Jasper brings Bella back from getting breakfast soon. Jasper is alone with Bella? I was instantly nervous. Why would she let him take her somewhere with no supervision? The plane moved slowly down the tarmac until we reached our gate. The slowness of the air crew had me day dreaming of just bursting through the side of the airplane to get to her. The door was finally opened and they let first class off the plane. We were the first ones to the exit but then we had to deal with the crowd outside the airplane. I began edging through the crowd at the slowest human pace I could imagine. Each second of knowing how close I was but still not there sent anger surging through my veins at the slow human sloths. As we moved closer to the baggage claim I began staring over the heads of the crowd, looking for any sign of Bella. Out of nowhere Alice was standing stock still in front of me with a piece of paper in her hand. Her eyes were wide with horror. â€Å"What is that?†I gasped. She was hiding something from me as she began thinking of different fashion designers from around the world. â€Å"It's from Bella,†Alice cried. â€Å"Where is she?†I began looking around the crowd, hoping beyond hope that she was not in some sort of danger. Alice's hand held out the piece of parchment. I snatched it out of her hand and quickly read over it. Edward, I love you. I am so sorry. He has my mom and I have to try. I know it may not work. I am so very, very sorry. Don't be angry with Alice and Jasper. If I get away from them it will be a miracle. Tell them thank you for me. Alice especially, please. And please, please don't come after him. That's what he wants, I think. I can't bear it if anyone has to be hurt because of me, especially you. Please, this is the only thing I can ask you now. For me. I love you. Forgive me. Bella. â€Å"Wasn't she in the airport with you?†I shouted. Alice cringed from my words but her face showed great sadness. â€Å"Yes,†she whispered. â€Å"Where's Jasper?†my eyes narrowed and I began to see through a red tint. Suddenly Alice showed me two terrifying visions she had since I left Seattle. I dove into her mind as the future continually shifted. The first was a vision of Bella lying on the ground in the ballet studio, I assumed, beaten and dead with James standing over her ?C blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. I felt like I could barely stand. My life was ?C over, gone. She showed me the second vision. Bella telling Jasper she has to go to the bathroom and her running straight through to another exit, fleeing the airport ?C alone. Unconsciously I was running towards the bathroom in Alice's vision. Jasper appeared in my vision and I heard his thoughts. She sure is taking a long time to go to the bathroom. I guess I'm not sure how long it takes for someone to go to the bathroom. I rushed past him and into the ladies bathroom. Loud screams erupted as I started opening stall after stall looking for Bella. I could barely smell her presence in the bathroom. The rest of my family flew in behind me. I rounded on Jasper. â€Å"Why didn't you watch after her?†I cried out. My stomach started plummeting horribly as each second passed. â€Å"She asked to go to the bathroom. I didn't know she would†¦run away,†Jasper looked shocked and ashamed. I didn't have any time to waste; I had to find Bella before she walked into James' lethal hands. I took in a deep breath trying to locate her scent. When I found it I flew out of the bathroom using the other exit and ran towards an elevator. I pressed the button several times impatiently. The elevator was too slow so I rushed down the stairs, opening the door to each floor to take a whiff of the air, looking for Bella. I finally opened the door to the most delicious fragrance, like she was standing in front of me. It must not have been long ago that she was there. I continued to take in deep breaths of the glorious fragrance until I was running outside where her scent no longer lingered at the end of the side walk. I looked up and the warm sun was shining brightly in the sky. I looked down at the edge of the shadow I stood on – where Bella last stood. I fell to my knees as I realized I couldn't follow. Pain began searing through my veins as I realized I was too late to save he r. A scream of agony almost escaped my lips as my body ripped into two. There was no way to find her and I realized that my other half, Bella, would forever be gone.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Writing a Group Project on Network Security
Writing a Group Project on Network Security Group projects can be difficult because different individuals have different writing styles and mindsets. Everyone needs to be on the same page for a group project to work, but this is sadly easier said than done. There are some factors involved that you must follow to carry out a competent group project and this final guide on writing a group project on network security highlights all the important factors you need to know. The most important thing is organization. There should be mutual consent in every decision you take to avoid issues. Besides being organized, students need to be aware of their responsibilities, be patient, creative and helpful to their fellow members. Let’s have a look at the necessary factors that are required in a group project writing: Sharing Responsibilities. Make sure that everybody gets a chance to contribute their piece of work to the project. For this, planning is important. You need to be respectful to your fellow members. Talk among yourself and divide tasks. Everyone should be utilized in the best possible way. If someone’s good at research, the person should do research and not something else. If there’s a conflict, talk and end it. Team Work. You should strategize and bound every member into writing at least 3 objectives or more regarding the topic. It will help you gather a lot of data for your project. Your next step should include filtering all the results and fishing out the best objectives that fit your project. Make sure your objectives are neatly and reasonably presented. Stick To a Schedule: You will need to follow a strict timeframe. Try to prioritize your work before anything else. Check up on your fellow members and see what they’re up to. Arrange group meetings regularly and discuss the progress of your project on a daily basis. This will reduce workload and you can complete the outline of your project in much less time. This will also improve collaboration day by day and contribute towards qualitative writing. Presentation Matters. You should try to make the group project writing more persuasive. Ask yourself : Is the objective clear? Have you mentioned several evidences to support your topic? Are the paragraphs short and visually appealing? Are the sentences perfectly formed and easy to comprehend? Have you edited mistakes and given special attention to punctuation? You need to talk to each other now and then and see progress. It is also important because not everyone would be on the same level, and might need help. Make sure your group project remains a group project and doesnt turn into a competition. Lastly, mention everyone’s work in the group project so that your advisor knows everyone contributed. The team should also discuss the project once it is done to make sure the final part of a presentation goes smooth. Your teacher may have questions for you, and if you give different answers to one question, you may end up being in hot water.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Employee Ethics and Integrity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Employee Ethics and Integrity - Essay Example †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 Appendix A†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..11 Appendix B†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..13 Abstract In order to create a more cohesive and effective organization, every entity of the organization must be fully aware of one’s role and expected output so as there is no confusion of conflict of tasks and obligations. This would also entail that there should be a set of ethics and rules of integrity that should be followed in whatever dealings of the organization so as to set a concrete guideline that needs to always be followed and not compromised. In this light, conflicts regarding decision making and the overall welfare of the organization will be well taken care of and would ultimately lead to a better performance. The top management even up to the lowest position, and any employee for that matter, shall not forsake such code and will do no such thing that will promote disillusionment within the ranks of the organization. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and with that premise, the organization’s success depends on each of its employees (Czimbal & Brooks, 2007). This is important to stress especially in merging or expanding organizations wherein it involves acquisition of existing other organizations. If the practice of integrity and ethics are not in parallel with one another, or if there is a breach of such, not only the newly acquired unit but most catastrophically the mother organization and its operations might be put in jeopardy. Thus, herein locat es the timely relevance of the Employee Code of Ethics that shall be observed by the whole company and any entity for that matter that is and will be involved with such the organization. Ethics Defined Before further proceeding on with defining what constitutes ethical responsibilities of an employee in an organization, we must first scrutinize what ethics is really all about and what it means. It must be first established that ethics is something that is external in nature to the employee. It is a system of rules that is set by a governing body and thus also offers the burden of implementation and sanction (Czimbal & Brooks, 2007), if need be. Therefore, it is clear that ethics comes from a certain higher entity than an employee and these are the codes of conducts that are expected from the constituents of the said entity. It may be an organization, a group, or a company, that will decide on the presiding body that will decide and implement such ethical conduct. This is important t o note since different job descriptions have different prescribed code of ethics but nonetheless the underlying principle still remains to promote doing what is right and fair in order to create a climate conducive to working and progress of healthy working environment. This also fosters the common interest of everyone in the organization. But this is where disagreement
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Offshoring (Offshore Outsourcing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Offshoring (Offshore Outsourcing) - Essay Example Offshoring is gaining popularity because it allows organization to reduce their costs, develop an extended market reach, and improve efficiency and productivity of work at the same time (Masciarelli, 2011). Successfully implementing offshoring is a challenging task. It requires careful planning and monitoring. The first step is to plan which functions to outsource. This includes planning of critical functions, skill transfer and scalability. The next step is to evaluate a cost-benefit analysis. This is done to evaluate whether the benefits of the operation will outweigh the costs. Only is the benefits outweigh the costs, the next step should be taken. The next step is developing a project management team which would be responsible for the offshoring process. This includes the planning process, setting the timetable and hiring the necessary personnel for the job (Neelankavil and Rai, 2009). According to Ilan (2011) successful offshoring is dependent on finding the right model for opening up business operations in a different country. The most likely destination for offshoring activities today is China which offers a variety of incentives to businesses around the world including cheap labor and good
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